Theme: Organ Donation Week

Organ Donation Week 20-26 September 2022 Encouraging people to join the NHS Organ Donor Register and encourage people to share their donation decision. Organ Donation

Theme: International Day of Sign Languages

International Day of Sign Languages 23 September 2022 Celebrated annually across the world on 23 September every year along with International Week of the Deaf. The UN

Theme: UK National Inclusion Week

UK National Inclusion Week 26 September - 2 October 2022 Designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms.  

National Fitness Day

National Fitness Day 27 September 2022 Make this the most active day of the year. National Fitness Day

Theme: National Guardians Office

Speak Up Month October A national campaign to illustrate the part which we all play in fostering a culture where people can speak up and be confident they will be listened to. National Guardian's Office

Theme: Stoptober

Stoptober October Encouraging the nation’s smokers to make a quit attempt for the month of October and beyond. Public Health England

Theme: Sober October

Sober October October Get involved in Sober October by going alcohol-free in October to raise money for people with cancer. Macmillan Cancer Support

Theme: Black History Month

Black History Month October A nationwide celebration of Black History, Arts and Culture throughout the UK. Black History Month

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day will be celebrated across all sites- offering guidance and advice on how we can look after our mental wellbeing.