01978 548815

Help, Advice & Support

Your Voice, Your Union!

Help, Advice & Support

Please use these helpful pages for any help, advice or support you need while at Coleg Cambria.

If you are worried about any of these pages showing up in your internet search history, some of the service providers recommend opening these pages using your browsers’ ‘private browsing’ function – e.g. “New Incognito Window” in Chrome, “InPrivate Browsing” in Internet Explorer, “New Private Window” in Firefox, etc.

If you are accessing these support pages because you are vulnerable or at risk, please seek support immediately.

If you need to speak to someone and you are not sure which service(s) you need to access you can speak to Student Services on campus or via studentservices@web.cambria.ac.uk for more guidance.

Carers & Young Carers

Support and guidance for students at Coleg Cambria who are also Carers or Young Carers.

IPAC Options Wrexham

Guidance and support with unplanned/unwanted pregnancies.