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Skills Competition Wales

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Skills Competition Wales


Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales

Funded by the Welsh Government and run by Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales with support of colleges across Wales acting in the roles of Competition Organising Partners, the Skills Competition Wales competitions aim to raise the profile of skills in Wales and offers students, trainees and apprentices in Wales the opportunity to take part in competitions across a range of skills and sectors.

Skills Competition Wales 2019

An overview of the competitions from 2019.

Skills Competition Wales 2021

Although 2021 was a strange year for the Skills Competition Wales competitions, both competitors and competition organising partners remained strong and events took place remotely. Click here to view more videos of competitions that were recorded either taking place or going through their final stages as well as two videos showing the Awards Ceremonies from this competition year, which also took place virtually.

What competitions can I take part in?

You can only register for one competition at a time (in each competition year) but there are a variety of competitions available across the different sectors and skill areas. For up to date information about each competition, visit the Skills Competition Wales page.


November: Competition registrations open up on the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales competitions website, however, there is only a short registration period so you need to make sure you register before the deadline!

IMPORTANT: Competitors who are under 18 or who have additional needs will need an additional consent form signed by a parent or guardian. If this isn’t completed by the specified deadline you will not be able to compete. Please note that all competitors entering Inclusive competitors, regardless of age, will require the additional consent form to be signed by a parent or guardian to be able to compete in these competitions.

January – February: Competitions typically take place across the last couple of weeks in January and the first week in February each year.

How to take part?

As soon as you know you would like to take part in a competition, let one of your tutors know or email competitions@web.cambria.ac.uk for more information. Your tutor will need to register you for the competition and if you are under 18 you will also need to provide contact details for a parent or guardian during your registration process so that they can approve your registration.

Make a note of the email address you use during the registration process (we recommend your student email address and that you check it on a regular basis) as this is where you will receive all information about your competition along with reminders about what you need to do, when and by what point of the deadlines.

Skills Competitions at Coleg Cambria

Rona Griffiths, Learner Experience & Enterprise Manager at Coleg Cambria, explains how the various Skills Competitions work and why students should compete in the competitions on offer through Coleg Cambria.

*** Please note that the dates for the WorldSkills International competitions have changed since this video was produced and WorldSkills Lyon will now take place in 2024 instead of 2023 due to a 1-year delay because of Covid and lockdowns. ***