01978 548815

Higher Potential Programme

Your Voice, Your Union!

Higher Potential Programme

Higher Potential Programme


You CAN be brilliant at Coleg Cambria! You have potential, but it may just need unlocking, or unblocking. The new Higher Potential Programme will support you as you identify, explore, activate, and nurture your individual higher potential. It is a programme that will help build your self-esteem and give you the confidence to seek out your interests, showcase your talents, and let your potential shine!

At Cambria, we will inspire you on your higher potential journey. Staff will spark your curiosity and stimulate your discovery for our subjects and courses. This extends beyond the academic, and into a wide range of other fantastic areas. Across our five sites, you will also be engaged outside of the classroom, with learning opportunities beyond coursework to help you develop collaborative and individual higher potential.

  • Commitment
  • Seeking and using social support
  • Focus and distraction techniques
  • Problems solving
  • How to achieve a high level of quality in your chosen skill
  • Realistic performance evaluation
  • Planning and organisation
  • Goal setting and self reward

This programme enables you to extend your college experience beyond the academic, and into a wide range of other fantastic areas. Across our five sites, you have the amazing opportunity to be engaged outside of the classroom, with learning opportunities beyond coursework to help you develop collaborative and individual higher potential.

Higher Potential Programme

So, what can Coleg Cambria provide?

The key to our Rhaglen Bosibl (RBU)/Higher Potential Programme (HPP) is getting you to believe in your own unique potential. Although you might not know what that is yet, you have it, and you can discover and grow your higher potential at Cambria. Below are some opportunities that we aim to provide for your inspiration, exploration, and challenge:

  • Staff to support and foster your higher potential
  • Activities for problem-solving and collaborative learning
  • Additional resources for self-led learning
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • Roles as peer tutors/teaching assistants
  • Creative and experimental challenges
  • Expert visits/talks/Q&A (in situ or virtual)
  • Trips (in situ or virtual) to places/areas/experiences of interest
  • Masterclasses (in situ or virtual)
  • Personal/social skills support/events
  • College/community/industry events and partnerships

How to get in touch

For more information, get in touch with Ruth Payton on hpp@web.cambria.ac.uk, ruth.payton@web.cambria.ac.uk or 01978 548957

Skills Competitions at Coleg Cambria

Rona Griffiths, Learner Experience & Enterprise Manager at Coleg Cambria, explains how the various Skills Competitions work and why students should compete in the competitions on offer through Coleg Cambria.

*** Please note that the dates for the WorldSkills International competitions have changed since this video was produced and WorldSkills Lyon will now take place in 2024 instead of 2023 due to a 1-year delay because of Covid and lockdowns. ***