01978 548815

Cambria Job Shop

Your Voice, Your Union!

Cambria Job Shop

Cambria’s Job Shop

Accessible online, in person and as a remote service.

Cambria’s Job Shop can be accessed via their website, in person and as a remote service. The Job Shop can help you with workshops on CV preparation, cover letters, apprenticeships and interview skills.

They are here to help prepare you for the world of work, so if you need help with your employability skills and job searches please get in touch with them either on jobshop@web.cambria.ac.uk or by calling 0300 30 30 006 (option 2) to book an appointment.

Job Shop Job Search

Click here or on the image below to go to the Job Shop Job Search page.

Work Experience

Click here or on the image below to go to the Job Shop’s page for advice on Work Experience. You can also access the Work Experience Portal on the Student Hub by clicking here – this will be updated with all new work experience opportunities as they are added along with details on where to send your application.