01978 548815

Princes Trust Cymru

Your Voice, Your Union!

Princes Trust Cymru

The Prince’s Trust in Wales

The Prince’s Trust work with thousands of young people across Wales each year, helping them develop the skills and providing them with the tools they need to succeed.

Prince’s Trust can help young people, aged between 11-30, to find the confidence they need to try free courses and start careers, claiming that “More than three in four will start something amazing moving into jobs, education and training” and last year alone they helped over 70,000 young people to do just that!

Support Programmes & Grants Available

The Prince’s Trust has a variety of support programmes and grants available for different purposes. The leaflets below explain more. For more information take a look at the Prince’s Trust website or get in touch with the main contact for North Wales, Julie Cowley, by emailing julie.cowley@princes-trust.org.uk.

Mynd Amdani – Start Something

The below video captures what the Prince’s Trust is in a nutshell.

Growing Wales Together

The below video briefly captures what it is like to go through one of the programmes with Prince’s Trust Cymru from the experience of a young person who not only completed the programme but also returned to help deliver it.