01978 548815

Sports Teams & Facilities

Your Voice, Your Union!

Sports Teams

To find out more information about each of Cambria’s sports teams available for you to join, click on the links below.

Where they are available, sign-up sheets have also been provided for you to send the coaches your details so they can get in touch with you with more details.

Please Note: Students are not permitted to use the Yale sports hall, gym or any other sports facilities without it being an Active Cambria session or Sports curriculum session. These facilities are not permitted for unsupervised use and therefore you are not permitted to enter unless you are attending one of these sessions. Timetables will be made available for Active Cambria sessions via the Active Cambria page, Google Classroom and other forms of communication. For students studying subjects under the Sports curriculum, the times you will be permitted to use these facilities will be advised to you by your tutors.

Yale Sports Hall
Yale Sports Hall
Yale Gym
Yale Gym