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Eating Disorders

Your Voice, Your Union!

Eating Disorders

Escaping Through Dieting | A Documentary | Experiencing an Eating Disorder

Via an exchange with Cardiff and Vale College, their student Elouisa-Jayne has kindly allowed us permission to use the documentary she produced about experiencing an eating disorder. This has been produced from her own real experiences and is from the heart.

Disclaimer: We must point out prior to any student watching this that the documentary does contain quite sensitive issues including loss and bereavement.

The Beat Eating Disorders website contains helpful support and information if you or someone you know is currently experiencing an eating disorder. This link – https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/support-services/helplines – will take you directly to their confidential helplines, email support and link to their one-to-one webchat.

Spotting the first signs

Spotting the first signs of symptoms of an eating disorder is extremely important when encouraging individuals to get the help and support they need as quickly as possible. That’s why Beat Eating disorders created their tips campaign – giving you the tips to spot those very first signs of an eating disorder.

If you’re worried someone you care about is showing the signs of an eating disorder, the first step is to talk to them and encourage them to seek help from their GP.

Download leaflet as a PDF.