01978 548815

Get Involved

Your Voice, Your Union!

Get Involved

Clubs, Groups and Societies

Join in with our virtual cross-campus clubs, groups and societies and share your hobbies and interests with other students from the college. We have groups available for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion areas as well as Interest Groups – so there should be something for everyone.


Join in with our Events from Student Voice and the Learner Experience team. This can be anything from our quizzes to guest speakers, webinars to tutorials, training sessions or competitions. Got your own event you want students to know about – let us know!

Have Your Say

Got an idea you want to share? Something on your mind you think other students need to get on board with? Push your idea on our Have Your Say board and ask students to upvote or downvote to show their agreement or disagreement with it.

Contact Us

Need to get in touch? Use our Contact Form for any general queries you may have.


Get involved in NUS campaigns, conferences, policies, events and more – all part of your Student Voice membership – you can even apply for NUS Officer positions!