01978 548815

Big Ideas Wales

Your Voice, Your Union!

Big Ideas Wales


Enterprise Workshops and more…

Big Ideas Wales can help you learn all the skills you need to be the next Entrepreneur everyone is talking about. Whether it’s attending the Be Your Own Boss series of events, following their 10 Steps to Self-Employment or meeting the Big Ideas Wales Role Models at the various webinars and guest speaker sessions that they put on, there is something for everyone.

Why not join Coleg Cambria’s Enterprise Committee for more ways to learn how to run your own business, more opportunities to meet the role models and for more opportunities to get involved in money-making and fund-raising activities at Coleg Cambria – you can find more details here.

Upcoming Events

Click here to download a PDF copy of this leaflet.

Big Ideas Wales Role Models

Skills Competitions at Coleg Cambria

Rona Griffiths, Learner Experience & Enterprise Manager at Coleg Cambria, explains how the various Skills Competitions work and why students should compete in the competitions on offer through Coleg Cambria.

*** Please note that the dates for the WorldSkills International competitions have changed since this video was produced and WorldSkills Lyon will now take place in 2024 instead of 2023 due to a 1-year delay because of Covid and lockdowns. ***