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Recipe Corner: Appetizers

Your Voice, Your Union!



Check out our favourite appetizer recipes and submit your own for other students and staff to try out for themselves using the form below.

Anything from Sliders to Hummus, Salsas to Dips, Cocktails (the kind with shrimp, etc.) to Chicken Wings. I could list all night but that might make us all a bit crackers… mmmm, crackers.

On the subject of food, don’t forget: You can get a FREE Healthy Breakfast on campus any day you are in college by presenting your college ID – for more details see the Student Hub.

If you cannot view the form below, please make sure your device is signed into your Coleg Cambria student email account and then reload the page, or click here to view this directly through Google Forms (you will then be prompted to log in using your student email account).