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Recipe Corner: Curry Dishes

Your Voice, Your Union!


Curry Dishes

Check out our favourite curry recipes and submit your own for other students and staff to try out for themselves using the form below.

There are many different varieties of curries and how each is made can depend on how traditionally the recipe is made, the type of recipe, the type of curry, the tastes and cooking style(s) or influence(s) of the chef putting the recipe together, the origin of the recipe or the base of the recipe, as well as the availability of specific ingredients. Quite popular now are fusion recipes which blend different cuisines which means the curry recipe you like or follow may not have a specific origin anymore.

On the subject of food, don’t forget: You can get a FREE Healthy Breakfast on campus any day you are in college by presenting your college ID – for more details see the Student Hub.

Spinach & Tomato Curry

A simple but tasty spinach and tomato curry submitted by Kate Unitt (Student Voice).

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