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Recipe Corner: Pasta Dishes

Your Voice, Your Union!


Pasta Dishes

Check out our favourite pasta dish recipes and submit your own for other students and staff to try out for themselves using the form below.

Pasta is definitely one of my all-time favourites – one of my favourite recipes I like to make can be found below: Spinach, Lemon and Parmesan Pasta. Although I am now Gluten-Free/Lactose-Free I can still have this with Gluten-Free pasta and Parmesan is considered mature enough to be low enough to be lactose-free enough to tolerate. What are your favourites?

On the subject of food, don’t forget: You can get a FREE Healthy Breakfast on campus any day you are in college by presenting your college ID – for more details see the Student Hub.

Lemon, Spinach and Parmesan Pasta

This recipe works well even with the cheapest of ingredients and even when the single cream starts to thicken up (but not when it turns green – chuck it out and buy another tub!).

Parmesan isn’t necessarily the cheapest cheese option but Asda sell ‘Grated Hard Cheese’ in their own branded cheap ranges which does just as well in this recipe and is more friendly on the wallet!

If you prefer feta/salad cheese (Aldi and Asda both sell Salad Cheese as a cheap alternative to feta) to parmesan you can substitute the cheese in this recipe – you will need 50g of feta/salad cheese for the same calories, just crumble it in at the end.

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